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 How to be consistent This is a universal problem not just in fitness but in every field people face problems in being consistent because th...

 How to be consistent

This is a universal problem not just in fitness but in every field people face problems in being consistent

because the real problem is that we want to achieve something and we start working out on that thing without proper planning and later on we get bored and give up

so, on today's blog, we will be discussing how you can progress slowly and be consistent and achieve your goal

some laws can help us to achieve our goal and be consistent

1. Commit IF You REALLY Want To Do It

Before committing to anything, the most important thing is to ask yourself if you really want to do it.

Often people commit to things in the heat of the moment, and their decision to commit is based on the face value of things. They don’t take time to think it through, so they don’t realize what it really takes to commit to achieving the results.

Before committing to anything important, think the following questions through:

·        Are you really willing to face the challenges that’ll come along the way?

·        Are you willing to go through the learning curve and develop all the necessary skills that you might need along the way?

·        Are you willing to take time out for this even if it means making some sacrifices on other things?

·        Most importantly, do you really want this? Or are you doing this just in the heat of the moment? What is your real WHY behind wanting this? Be honest with yourself.

2. Focus On ONE Main Thing At A Time

Pick one thing and stick to it until it sticks to you. If it’s a good habit you want to develop, stick to developing One habit, don’t try to make more habits until the first one has become a part of you. 

If it’s a skill you’re working on, focus on that ONE skill and master it. 

If it’s a start-up business, don’t chase other ideas until you’ve made enough effort and progress on the first one. Once it’s set and working like a well-oiled machine, then you can move on to other ideas if you want. 

In short, don’t bite off more than you can chew.

3. Don’t Complicate. Make it Simple and SUSTAINABLE

A lot of people when starting off in something, get into too much fuss and tiny details. They make it way more complex than it should be. 

Remember, the key to Sustainability is Simplicity. 

If you get into too much detail in the beginning, trying to make everything perfect, and fretting over tiny details, it will be difficult for you to last long, after the initial hype fades off.

Let’s be real, life will hit you with its up and downs along the way, and if you’ve made things too difficult and complicated for yourself, it would be much harder for you to carry on in the rough patches. 

Take a simple example, if you want to lose weight and get fitter, instead of going extremely scientific in the beginning while trying to find out the perfect workout and counting every single calorie in your diet plan, just put on your running shoes and go for a jog.

So many people are unable to carry out their health plan because their subconscious minds have associated so much hassle to exercising. 

You can add the details and level things up as you progress. But first, just get in the habit of getting things going. 

4. Choose EFFICIENCY Over CREATIVITY (where needed)

Now if you are my regular reader, you know that I’m about creativity and originality. Creativity – in the right place – is certainly a must and has its own place. 

But sometimes, unnecessary creativity can affect the efficiency and flow of things, making it difficult to sustain in the long run. 

Don’t waste your creative efforts on petty things especially as you are starting off. Choose flow and efficiency in routine tasks so that you don’t have to waste your mental energy on the small stuff.

Reserve your mental energy and creativity for things that really matter in terms of your progress.

A couple of examples would be:

If you have started exercising, instead of trying out new exercises every day and exhausting yourself over which ones are the best for you, just stick to the few basic, core exercises and be consistent with them.

Or if you’re starting off a start-up project, instead of putting all your creativity into making your office a perfect representation of your brand or making your website the most advanced and stylish website out there, focus more of your creative efforts on the products or services you’re going to offer.

That is what matters most in the long run. Just set up a simple office or website and get things going. 

5. Avoid “Paralysis by Analysis”

With SO MUCH information out there, many of us get caught up with all the details and analytics. When you analyze things too much, especially when they are in their initial phases and not producing many results you’ll get fed up and eventually give up.

If you’ve just started working out and you see your progress every day in the mirror or on the weighing scale, you’ll get discouraged pretty soon. 

If you have just started a business and you’re focusing too much on the sales analytics, you won’t see what you’re looking for.

Just seek enough information so you have a solid strategy and then focus all your energy on delivering. Don’t fret if you’re not getting results right away. Things take their time. 

Stop analyzing too much. You’ll have more peace of mind and you’ll be able to focus on delivering your best which will eventually sky-rocket your progress in the long run.

Don’t buy into negative thoughts and doubts. There will be times when you might doubt yourself or the achievability of the task.

These laws can help you stay consistent, but remember this is not going to come overnight because things take time.

So have some patience

Some great books you can read

My Journey: Transforming Dreams into Actions by Sir A.P.J ABDUL KALAM

The Rudest Book Ever

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