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           HOW TO BECOME STRONGER? FITNESS Just about everyone has the desire to look good naked, but too often we focus on form over functi...


Just about everyone has the desire to look good naked, but too often we focus on form over function. Muscles should have form and perform! If you want to look like Hercules and wrestle like him, this article is for you.

Here are 5 pillars for building Herculean strength, straight from Olympus.

1. Use Free Weights And Compound Movements

To be strong and huge, your workouts must rely on a Greek god's exercises: squat, bench press, deadlift, military press, rows, power cleans, and other variations of these movements. They recruit the largest amount of muscle mass.

Free weights require you to stabilize the load and allow weights to be moved exactly as the body is designed to move them. Since the trainee is controlling every aspect of the movement, every aspect of it is being trained.

2. Learn Perfect Technique

This separates the men from the boys. The seasoned expert is always working on technique, whereas your average Joe isn't too concerned about improving. Increasing strength is a neuromuscular venture, a skill.

By improving and practicing technique, the nervous system becomes more efficient at telling muscles to work. Additionally, improving technique helps prevent injury.

3. Use A Low Repetition Range

For fast increases in strength, we must force the nervous system to cause increased force production, which is best done in the 1 to 5 rep range. Higher than that, and your nervous system will start focusing on other areas.

Additionally, an athlete must avoid cumulative fatigue to reach peak strength levels.

4. Warm Up Properly

Yes, some of the strongest men in the world will take the bar for their first set, you don't have to lift heavy every set to build strength. To build a godlike body, you must understand the purpose of warm-up sets.

Say your best bench is 160 Kgs. Most trainees would probably go with something like 100 x 10, 120 x 8, 140 x 3, and 160 x 1, right?


In this example, the trainee does 2450 kgs of work over 23 "warm-up" repetitions. It would be better to benefit from taking your warm-ups with 50 x 10, 100 x 3, 120 x 2, 140 x 1, and 160 x 1.

You get a full 16 practice repetitions and only 1340 kgs of work. That's plenty of proper warm-ups to get the blood moving to the affected areas and perfect your technique.

5. Increase The Resistance Every Time You Train

If you don't attempt to add weight to the bar at every training session, then your body has nothing to adapt to.

This doesn't mean adding an extra 20 kgs plate for each set; in fact, smaller jumps in weight translate into consistent progress. Compromising movement technique and integrity for more weight won't produce results.

Follow the principles outlined in this article and you should be able to add some weight each time you train. Record your training sessions to keep track of progress.

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