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What is Immunity?

After this pandemic, we all are familiar with the word "IMMUNITY" So, now let's learn what exactly it is and how it works What...

After this pandemic, we all are familiar with the word "IMMUNITY"
So, now let's learn what exactly it is and how it works

What is Immunity?

Immunity is the ability of the body to defend itself against disease-causing organisms. Every day our body comes in contact with several pathogens, but only a few result in diseases. The reason is, our body has the ability to release antibodies against these pathogens and protects the body against diseases. This defense mechanism is called immunity.

Types of Immunity

There are two major types of immunity:

  1. Innate Immunity or Natural or Non-specific Immunity.

  2. Acquired Immunity or Adaptive Immunity.

Innate immunity

It is also known as natural immunity or non-specific immunity. It is the inborn capacity of the body to resist pathogens. If any organism enters the body innate immunity eliminates it before the development of any disease. This type of immunity represents the first line of defense against any type of pathogens.

Cells Involved In Innate Immunity

  • Phagocytes: These circulate through the body and look for any foreign substance. They engulf and destroy it defending the body against that pathogen.

  • : These have the ability to move across the walls of the circulatory system. They release certain signals as cytokines to recruit other cells at the site of infections.

  • Mast Cells: These are important for healing wounds and defense against infections.

  • Neutrophils: These contain granules that are toxic in nature and kill any pathogen that comes in contact.

  • Eosinophils: These contain highly toxic proteins that kill any bacteria or parasite in contact.

  • Basophils: These attack multicellular parasites. Like the mast cells, these release histamine.

  • Natural Killer Cells: These stop the spread of infections by destroying the infected host cells.

  • Dendritic Cells: These are located in the tissues that are the points for initial infections. These cells sense the infection and send the message to the rest of the immune system by antigen presentation.

Acquired immunity

It is also known as specific immunity. It is the resistance developed in the body against any specific foreign body like bacteria, virus, toxins, vaccines, or transplanted tissues. It is the most powerful immune mechanism that protects the body from invading organisms or toxic substances.

The acquired immunity in our body has certain special features.

Features of Acquired Immunity

  • Specificity: Our body has the ability to differentiate between different types of pathogens, whether it is harmful or not, and devise ways to destroy them.

  • Diversity: Our body can detect vast varieties of pathogens, ranging from protozoa to viruses.

  • Differentiate between self and non-self: Our body has the unique ability to differentiate between its own cells and foreign cells. It immediately starts rejecting any foreign cell in the body.

  • Memory: Once our body encounters a pathogen, it activates the immune system to destroy it. It also remembers what antibodies were released in response to that pathogen, so that, the next time it enters, a similar procedure is followed by the body to eliminate it.

  • Cells Involved in Acquired Immunity

    The acquired immunity involves two types of cells: B-cells and T-cells


Building immunity shouldn’t be chaos, it should be fun and relaxing. Having a well-built immunity never goes out of fashion. More the amplitude of your immunity more you will be healthy and active. So, take a moment from your busy schedules and examine your immune power and work accordingly on it for a better healthy life.

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