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 After this pandemic and lockdown, we were all stuck at home and working from home and we mostly spend our time sitting and because of that ...

 After this pandemic and lockdown, we were all stuck at home and working from home and we mostly spend our time sitting and because of that we face many health issues like back pain, wrong postures, etc

Some of you might be wondering how you can train at home, not for muscle building but to stay active at home so that you don't face the problems sooner or later.

So, today I will be guiding you on how can you train at home with minimum or zero pieces of equipment

1. Find a good space to workout 

So, first of all, you need a place to workout it can be a roof or a room or any place you are comfortable to workout

2. Choosing a workout plan

I know this is a bit hard because there are a lot of beginners workout videos available on the internet and it's gonna confuse you that what you choose, which is better for you, which workout plan will provide you best results

lemme break this thing you don't have to search a lot to find a perfect workout plan just start with some basics, stick with it and follow it for at least 4-6 weeks and then when you feel comfortable with that workout you can add some other exercises or you invest for a pair of dumbbells which will help you in the progression

3. Focus on the quality of your workout, not quantity

Many people face this issue because as a beginner you always want faster results so you think that doing too much workout every day will give you faster results but remember this is not gonna happen it takes time and you have to be patient so always focus on the quality and when you are comfortable with that workout than you can progress

4  You can hire a PT  

this is one of the best ways to work on yourself because a Personal trainer can help you better because they know how to plan things for you 

they know how to design a workout plan

they know how to design a diet plan for your desired goals

they can check your progress and update everything over tine

It is affordable

Thanks for your time

Team Califit India

For online personal training drop a mail at

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