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   WHY DO YOU NEED A FITNESS COACH? If you are just starting out with an exercise program or you aren't seeing results with your current...


If you are just starting out with an exercise program or you aren't seeing results with your current routine, a Personal Trainer might be able to help. You can weigh the possible benefits and expenses to decide if it's a good choice for you.

People work with trainers for many reasons. Whether you want to develop an individualized program to support weight loss goals, get in shape, or simply feel that you'd benefit from the additional accountability, a personal trainer can be a great resource.

Wherever you are on your exercise journey, a personal trainer can offer support, tips, and training as you work to reach your fitness and weight loss goals. Here are 5 reasons why you might want to think about hiring a personal trainer.    

1.You're Not Seeing Results

If you've been exercising consistently for several weeks or months and are not losing weight or reaching your goals, there are a few ways a trainer might be able to help:

  • Evaluate your current program: By looking at what you're already doing, a trainer can look for ways to change or tweak your workouts to make them more efficient and effective.
  • Examine your goals: A trainer can help you figure out if your goals are realistic.
  • Help you stay motivated: Knowing you have an appointment with a pro can help you maintain motivation to exercise during the week.
  • Push you a little harder: People often don't see results because they're not working as hard as they could. It's easy to slack off when you're by yourself, but having someone to challenge you (and cheer you on) can make a difference.
  • Hold you accountable: A trainer can help you set weekly goals, then check in on a regular basis to see how you're doing.
  • Teach you: Whether you want to learn how to lift weights properly or learn a new exercise to add to your routine, a trainer is a wealth of knowledge. You might think you need to focus on cardio to lose weight, but you need strength training and core training, too.

You may find that you are getting results—just not in the way you expected. A trainer can see your situation more clearly from the outside and can offer you a new perspective.

2. You Don't Know Where to Start

If you're new to exercise  you may not realize how complex it is. We're not born with the knowledge of how to do it. If you're faced with the task of setting up a Complete exercise schedule, you might become so overwhelmed that you don't do anything.

Trainers know everything that goes into a complete program including cardio, weight training and flexibility training. From there, you have to think about the elements—from what activities to include to how you can fit it all into a busy schedule.

A trainer can help you with the basics. The workouts you do are based on the F..I.I.T Principle: You choose the frequency ,intensity ,time and type of workout and manipulate these elements over time. A trainer can help you navigate the process, which includes:

  • Figuring out how hard to work during exercise and how to monitor your exercise intensity.
  • Show you how to choose exercises, weights, reps, and sets
  • Use different tools (such as a heart rate monitor or activity tracker) to enhance your workouts.

Here are some other areas where a trainer can help you get started:

  • Figure out the right activities: You might not even know what exercise would work for your body, schedule, or available equipment. A trainer can suggest activities that fit all of those areas.
  • Maximize your time: A trainer can help you get the most out of your workout while also making sure you don't overdo it.
  • Put together a reasonable program: A trainer can guide you as you start working out and help you figure how much exercise you can handle in the beginning.
  • Set your schedule: Before you get started, a trainer can help you figure out when you can work out. They can also help you decide what you'll do on the days you aren't working with them.

3.You're Bored With the Same Old Workouts

If you're an experienced exerciser, you may not have considered working with a personal trainer. However, it can be a great choice if you need some variety in your workouts.

It's easy to fall into a workout rut, doing the same workouts over and over. Not only is this boring but it can also lead to weight loss plateaus, overuse injuries, and burnout.

Here are some reasons you might want to work with a personal trainer even if you're already workout-savvy:

  • For a fresh perspective: A trainer brings an objective eye. They might see areas of your program that could be adjusted to make your workout more interesting, more challenging, or even just more fun.
  • To challenge you: A trainer will look at your workout performance and let you know about any areas you could improve or where you might be able to push yourself a little harder.
  • New ideas and equipment: Trainers are experienced in many different types of workouts. If there's one you've been wanting to try, find someone who can show you the ropes.

Consider asking a trainer about:

  • Circuit training
  • High-intensity -interval-training 
  • Different methods of strength training including supersets and pyramid training
  • Challenging your body in a different way with new equipment like the water-filled Kamagon ball 

4.You Need to Be Challenged

If you feel like you're stuck or you're ready to take your training to the next level, an experienced personal trainer can help you find ways to challenge yourself by:

  • Helping you find and train for competitive events: A trainer can help you find and train for events like a "Tough Mudder" (where you run through an obstacle course) or a local race.
Pushing your limits: If you want to blast past a plateau, go heavy with your weights. A trainer can help you choose the right weights as well as spot you as you do more challenging exercises.
Being a workout partner: A trainer can also engage in the workout with you, adding a competitive element to your workouts or help you with partner exercises.

You'll find it's very hard to slack off with a trainer standing over you, telling you to do just one more rep. You may even find you have hidden strengths to tap, which can motivate you even more.

5.You Want to Learn How to Exercise on Your Own

Even if your goal is to create your own workouts and exercise by yourself, hiring a trainer for a few sessions offers the benefit of helping you learn the right way to perform a new exercise. This is especially true if you're new to strength training and need to practice. A trainer can:

  • Bring in targeted exercises: This knowledge is gold, especially for the home exerciser. Knowing a variety of exercises that target different muscles allows you to create your own workouts.
  • Demonstrate good form: To get the most out of your workouts and avoid injury, you need to do each exercise in a certain way. A trainer can offer cues to help you get your body into the right position to ensure you are doing each move correctly (and safely).
  • Show you how to lift weights: A trainer can help you decide how often to lift weights and how to choose your weights, sets, and reps. They can create a variety of workouts for you to continue doing when you're ready to go out on your own.
  • Teach you about muscles: Learning about your muscles, as well as how they work, is essential if you plan to work out on your own at home or at the gym.
  • Provide workout support: Even after you stop training, a trainer can still be an available resource. Most trainers are fine with you contacting them from time to time for advice and you can always go back to training at any time.

The cost of a personal training session will vary depending on where you live and your trainer's experience and education.

When you're choosing a personal trainer, look for these credentials and qualities:

  • Business policies: The trainer should have liability insurance and provide a copy of policies and procedures for services, costs, cancellations, and refunds.
  • Certification and qualifications: A personal trainer should be certified through a reputable personal training organization, such as ACSM, ACE, IDEA, NESTA or YMCA. Your trainer should have an updated certification in CPR and/or first aid.
  • Experience: Make sure your trainer has the experience, especially in relation to your goals. For example, if you're a bodybuilder, you want someone knowledgeable in that area.
  • Specifics: If you have a specific medical problem, injury, or condition (such as being pregnant, difficulty getting pregnant, heart problems, diabetes, etc.) make sure your trainer has an education in these areas and will work with your doctor.

An effective personal trainer:

  • Is a good listener: They will listen closely to what you say and make sure that they understand your goals.
  • Pays attention: They will be focused only on you during your sessions.
  • Tracks your progress: They will regularly assess your progress and change things if necessary.

What a Session Is Like

  • A session usually lasts about one hour. Your first meeting with your trainer will be devoted to assessing your fitness level, taking body measurements, talking about the exercise you already do, getting a health history, and setting some goals.

    Be prepared to step on a scale, have your body fat measured, and answer specific questions about your fitness goals.

    After your initial meeting, you'll spend each session doing cardio, weight training, flexibility exercises, or other activities depending on your goals. A trainer will show you how to do each exercise, help you figure out how much weight to use, and give you pointers for getting the most out of your workout.

Want to get trained by me 

drop me an email at or WhatsApp 8059430991

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