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 ✋Hey guys welcome to another blog In this blog we are gonna discuss about some protein myths in fitness industry and today we will discuss ...

 ✋Hey guys welcome to another blog

In this blog we are gonna discuss about some protein myths in fitness industry and today we will discuss about some protein myths and we will bust them

👉Myth No. 1

 Protein's main role is in muscle development.

As an essential nutrient composed of building blocks known as amino acids, protein is not only a component of muscle, but also of bone, joint, tendons, ligaments, hair, antibodies, hormones, enzymes and LDL and HDL cholesterol. The nutrient supports a healthy immune system, can regulate blood glucose and plays a role in body composition.

so next time if someone says that if you are going to gym or you don't want to build muscle don't eat protein just don't believe that thing

👉Myth No. 2

 Eating too much protein causes kidney disease.

Consuming excess protein only harms the kidneys if you have underlying kidney or liver disease, since healthy kidneys are very good at expelling the extra nitrogen that comes with eating lots of steak, eggs and beans. It's also unlikely to weaken bones, though some research suggests it's possible since excess protein intake causes you to pee more calcium out. Diversify your intake with plant and animal protein to optimize bone health, and be sure to include calcium-containing foods and a supplement if necessary to avoid a calcium deficiency.

👉Myth No. 3

 You can't get enough protein on a plant-based diet.

False. But because most plant foods do not contain the same quantity of protein as animal products, and may not contain all the essential amino acids, it's important to develop a well-thought-out plan that optimizes health and nutrition. So, you would not want to eat only lentils or rice, but the combination of lentils and rice is great. Why? If over a 24-hour period our diet does not contain all of the essential amino acids, muscle protein repair and synthesis cannot occur.

👉Myth No. 4

 Everyone should take a protein supplement.

Most people get enough protein without even trying. The Recommended Dietary Allowance is approximately 0.4 grams per pound of body weight, so for a 150-pound person, this would be 60 grams daily. Eat a chicken breast and container of Greek yogurt, and you're there. However, some people may benefit from a supplement if they need more protein due to disease or activity level, and find it difficult to get in enough protein through diet alone. (A 150-pound athlete looking to gain muscle mass for example, should aim for 90 to 135 grams per day.)

👉Myth No. 5

 As long as you eat enough protein daily, it doesn't matter when or how you consume it.

People tend to eat most of their protein at lunch and dinner, but in order to maximize muscle protein synthesis, you should eat about 20 to 30 grams per meal (in addition to a carbohydrate and plenty of fruits and vegetables). For breakfast, consider adding eggs, Greek yogurt, tofu, turkey sausage or fish to the morning. Lunch could include beans or lentils, chicken, turkey, ham, cheese or eggs. Dinner could contain lean beef, pork, veal, lamb, chicken, turkey, beans, tempeh, tofu, edamame, fish or shellfish.

So, these are 5 Myths some of us might be believing and following. I hope I have cleared your doubts related to these protein myths

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